22nd HERCA Board meeting (30-31 October 2018, Paris)
HERCA Board met in Paris on 30-31 October 2018. Several documents were approved such as the HERCA Statement on hand-held X-ray equipment and country fact sheets on national frameworks in Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Kindly hosted by the French nuclear safety Authority (ASN), the 22nd HERCA Board meeting was organised in Paris on 30-31 October 2018.
At this meeting, all six HERCA Working groups presented their on-going and future activities. In particular, the Board approved the following outcomes and documents:
- Medical Applications: draft report on clinical audits and regulatory inspections according to BSS Directive requirements, next interactions with ESTRO and the MedInspector Workshop programme and organisation
- Veterinary Applications: Mandate, Vision and Action Plan for 2018-2021, production of a detailled document on national approaches with regards to the protection of owners/handlers during off-site examinations
- Emergencies: country fact sheets on national frameworks in Emergency Preparedness and Response, complementary work related to the HERCA-WENRA approach
- Research and Industrial Sources and Practices: Statement on the Justification and use of hand-held X-Ray equipment
- Natural Radiation Sources: future interactions with EC, through the WP on natural radiation sources under art.31 of Euratom, work on new ICRP Radon dose coefficients.
HERCA Board also approved HERCA Budget for 2019.
Board members discussed the benefits and future activities of HERCA on the basis of HERCA Board contributions. HERCA Task Force on HERCA Policies is charged of considering these outcomes and proposing orientations at the next HERCA Board meeting.
The 23rd HERCA Board meeting will be organised on 15-16 May 2019 in Liverpool, UK. It will be kindly hosted by ONR.
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