HERCA approves an HERCA Action Plan in relation to the transposition and implementation of Directive 2013/59/Euratom (Euratom-BSS)
The Board of Heads of HERCA has approved on its 14th Meeting held in Stockholm on 21-22 October an Action Plan in relation to the transposition and implementation of the new Euratom BSS. The new BSS, Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 17th January 2014 and Member States have until the 6th February 2018 to complete the process of transposition into their national regulations.
The approved Action Plan covers the following areas:
- Identification of HERCA’s role in the transposition of the new EU BSS to national regulations defined;
- Definition of actions for HERCA in relation to the transposition of the BSS;
- Coordination between HERCA and the EC in relation to BSS transposition activities considered.
The Actions identified relate to different fields:
- Emergency preparedness and response
- International Cooperation (Article 99) §
- Emergency workers (Articles: 4 (31), 17 and 53)
- Reference levels for public exposures in an emergency situation. (article: 4 (84); 7)
- Medical Exposures
- Medical Equipment (Articles 60 and 58(b))
- Level II Justification.(Articles 19, 55.2(a),(c) and (h))
- Education and Training (Article 18)
- Notification of significant events (Articles 63 and 9
- Radon
- Non-medical imaging exposures (Article 22)
- Education & Training : RPE/RPO
- General exchange of information
The Action Plan has been developed by the Task Force (TF) set up in June 2014 by HERCA on the possible role of HERCA in the transposition of BSS. The Task Force has been lead by Dr Tom Ryan (EPA/ORP, IE), Programme Manager for Radiation Protection Regulation of EPA/ORP. Dr Ryan chaired the Atomic Questions Working Party (AQWP) as part of the Irish Presidency of the EU in 2013. The composition of the Task Force has included a member of the European Commission. Furthermore, in order to ensure internal coordination, the chairs of the Working Groups/ Task Forces have also been involved, especially those who had already identified some areas for discussion.
HERCA is a voluntary association, in which the Heads of European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities work together in order to identify common issues and propose practical solutions for these issues. It has no statutory role in relation to the transposition of the Euratom BSS. However, it can be a positive force in the transposition process as indicated in the Action Plan. Uniform transposition or implementation in the Member States is not an objective of HERCA activities. Clearly it will remain a matter for individual Member States as to the extent to which they avail of HERCA’s work in transposing the BSS into their national regulations.
HERCA Action Plan transposition Directive 2013-59-Euratom – Euratom BSS.pdf