Meeting of the HERCA TF Strategy with ICRP
On the 19th of March 2021, Karla Petrová, the HERCA Chair, met Claire Cousins, her counterpart from ICRP, the International Commission on Radiological Protection. They met along with the HERCA Strategy Task Force and Marco Brugmans, the chair of the ad-hoc e-group of the project of discussion paper on HERCA suggestions for ICRP future work areas, and ICRP representatives: Christopher Clement, Scientific Secretary, and Kelsey Cloutier, Development and Communications Manager.
This meeting was the opportunity for HERCA to present its committed work on ICRP’s project of update of recommendations through the 2020 decade. ICRP thanked HERCA for this survey which was well received and provided an overview of ICRP roadmap, process and milestones.
HERCA and ICRP confirmed the importance of regulators’ involvement in this update of recommendations process and to maintain close relationships with each other.