HERCA report on Equipment
The work package (WP) Equipment was initiated to continue the communication links with HERCA’s main CT manufacturers begun through the WP CT Manufacturers Stakeholder Involvement.
The work package (WP) Equipment was initiated to continue the communication links with HERCA’s main CT manufacturers begun through the WP CT Manufacturers Stakeholder Involvement.
Follow-up of the 2018 questionnaire on High-Activity Sealed Sources
The justification of new types of practices is a concept introduced the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom. In particular in the medical field – probably because of a real difficulty of applying this abstract concept in an operational way – the transposition of the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom poses some challenges to the Member States. HERCA issued its position paper which includes conceptuel Framework and key-messages.
Users of Hand-held X-Ray Equipment can received insufficient information about the radiation hazards induced by these devices. HERCA issues this statement for raising awareness about these risks and ensuring an appropriate use of Hand-held X-Ray Equipment.
The HERCA website is online
The “proton therapy” task force of the HERCA WGMA has elaborated a practical document on “Proton therapy licensing and inspection”.
HERCA endorses the joint position statement and call for action for strengthening radiation protection of patients undergoing recurrent radiological imaging procedures
The Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities (HERCA) and the Federation of European Equine Veterinary Associations (FEEVA) endorse a joint statement regarding the principles of radiation protection during radiographic imaging at equine prepurchase examinations.
An online pre-Workshop event has taken place on 23 March 2021