Spring Board Meeting (Liverpool, UK)


HERCA Board met on 15-16 May 2019 in Liverpool in UK. Several documents related to the implementation of the HERCA-WENRA Approach, the development of the awareness campaign on justification of imaging procedures and the veterinary off-site imaging procedures were approved. HERCA Board members also exchanged with IRPA president on views of professionals on the radiation protection system.

This HERCA Board meeting was kinldy hosted by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) in Liverpool and chaired by Mrs Karla Petrovà (SUJB, Czech Republic).

Board members approved important documents proposed by HERCA working groups:

  •  In the field of emergency preparedness and response, the Board approved the two following documents prepared for facilitating the implementation of the HERCA-WENRA Approach: Strategies for extension of evacuation, sheltering and ITB protective actions and Additional urgent protective actions during the initial phase of a nuclear emergency. The HERCA WG on Emergency will continue its work on the HWA as set in its action plan.
  •  In the field of veterinay applications, the Board approved the guidance document focused on X-Ray off-site examinations and the common understanding on release criteria in veterinary nuclear medicine on the dose constraint of 100 µSv.
  •  In the field of natural radiation sources, the Board approved the proposition to develop an HERCA Guidance on NORM exemption and clearance based on national practices of HERCA members.
  •  In the field of medical applications, the Board approved the general conclusions of the MedInspector Workshop organised in Nov. 2018 in Stockholm and the action plans on nuclear medicine and inspection. Moreover, the Board also expressed its support for the development of the HERCA Awareness campaign focused on the justification of medical imaging involving ionising radiations. This first-of-a kind campaign will be launched early Nov. 2019 according to a coordinated process across several HERCA countries.

New chairs were also appointed: Mr. Santtu HELLSTEN (STUK, Finland) is the new Chair of the WG on industrial and research practices and sources, and Mr. Gareth THOMAS (ONR, UK), is the new Chair of the WG on Emergencies.

Board members also exchanged with IRPA President, Mr. Roger COATES, about the “IRPA Consultation: Is the System of Protection ‘Fit for Purpose’ and can it be readily communicated? Views of the Radiation Protection Professionals”. HERCA Board shared the idea that efforts have to be made for making the radiation protection system more understandable for the people. How regulators and professionals can better interact?

HERCA Board also decided to start working on an overall HERCA strategy for the next years after 10 years of functioning.




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