Autumn HERCA Board Meeting in Athens (9-10 Nov. 2015)
The Autumn HERCA Board Meeting was held on 9-10 November 2015 in Athens, Greece. This meeting has been kindly hosted by the Greak Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE).
The HERCA Working Groups and Task Forces reported on their activities, in particular on the follow-up of the multi-stakeholders’ meetings on the justification medical imaging procedures and on the optimized use of CT scanners, the Workshop on RPE and RPO and the Inspection Competence Workshop in the medical Field.
The creation working group on education and training has been approved by the Board.
In the framework of the HERCA Action Plan in relation to the transposition and implementation of the new Euratom BSS (Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom), HERCA organized in 2015 three workshops:
- Implementation of Radiation Protection Experts (RPE) and Radiation Protection Officers (RPO) (Paris, France, July 2015),
- Emergency Preparedness and Response (Berlin, Germany, April 2015)
- Radon in work places (Geneva, Switzerland, October 2015).
In 2016, HERCA will organize the following events:
- Joint Multi-stakeholders’ meeting on optimization & justification in medical field (10 March 2016, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria),
- Workshop on the implementation of HERCA-WENRA Approach (June 2016),
- Joint Workshop on Reporting and on Generic Justification (Autumn 2016).
Furthermore, HERCA will coordinate a European action week in November 2016 during which all HERCA countries will simultaneously inspect on justification of medical exposures in diagnostic radiology.
The HERCA Spring Board of Heads Meeting will take place on 28-29 April 2015 in Den Haag, The Netherlands.
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